We , you included are an international consortium of adventures. we understand some of the simplest truths of life, our creed is simple:
1) live this life to the fullest seeking experiences. because the greatest treasure is in the adventures.
2) don't pretend to have the answers. we are all on a path, a journey that is our own. from time to time our paths intersect with others and we get to share in these experiences with our brothers and sisters forming bonds we will carry into eternity. the only way for these memories to stay pure is to be unfouled by misconception, doubt and fear.
3) be a light, a beacon for others wherever your adventures take you, so that they can know the serenity that can only be found in truly living and being in the moment.
4) you can be a positive , neutral or negative in this existence choose wisely!
Modern Day Pirates is First an Adventure Society, our mission is to get out and experience life, sharing our adventures with others.
you can choose your level of Participation:
1) At the most basic level if you are getting off your couch and out of your cubicles to experience all the beauty this world has to offer then you are a Modern Day Pirate!
2) MDP Vanguard our supporters and volunteers: you rock the MDP gear , share your adventures with other people , hang out with The Order and help us with our events .
3) "The Order" The Order of Modern Day Pirates & Proud Beauties International. We are the organized membership crews, handling MDP events and business at the local & international levels.if you'd like more information on the Order just hit the button.The Order of Modern Day Pirates and Proud Beauties is our vetted membership system.
Why join the Order:
You wish to represent Modern Day Pirates & Proud Beauties in its highest form and be a center point and example of what MDP's global crew stands for; helping promote our Ideals of: Community, Adventure, Charity, Self-improvement & Mentor-ship. Though we understand things happen, we consider this a lifetime commitment.
An Order member is part of a vetted, trusted network of Pirates all over the world that can be contacted for information and local hookups. Establishing far reaching personal relationships if you wish to travel to a new area or learn about a new activity / adventure. All reaches of the Order will be at your fingertips via our Compass app, email and the usual social media platforms .
gain access to 3 annual limited special “Order” gear group buys. plus limited edition event gear!
grow within the organization helping with the promotion and business of the MDP at the local and international level.
access to Order member only gear and events.
earn adventure and honor shields to show and share your experiences with others.
receive special offers and at times deep discounts from an ever growing list of vendors and retailers to help keep the cost of our Adventures down. the savings alone depending on your spending habits makes the order very economical & as we grow our buying power becomes stronger!
Now if you feel your ready to go on the Account and Represent the Order you'll need to read through the Articles of Conduct, our rules and regulations a living document that will give you a very clear understanding of what the Order is. Next you'll go to the lifetime petition submission page; in this section you will select your terms, be it single member first year with split billing or lifetime membership onetime pay . we have these packages for individuals and couples. Once you’ve completed the petition and submitted. The Helm will then begin your induction process , normally 7 to 10 days. once everything clears you will be a lifetime member of the Order of Modern Day Pirates & Proud Beauties International.
Please note that if you are not admitted into the Order for some reason you'll have the ability to resubmit at no additional charge with in the next 6 months. If you again are not admitted, and you've paid for a lifetime membership, a portion of those dues will be refunded, but the application fee is non-refundable.