Articles of Conduct

 For The Order of

Modern Day Pirates & Proud Beauties


MDP+Order+Lapel+pin+art+work+2019 (1).png

 The Order of Modern Day Pirates International

Copyright C 2014

Copyright C 2014 – The Order of Modern Day Pirates International

First off thank you for taking the time to allow us to introduce ourselves; we are the MDP (Modern Day Pirates), a thrill seekers / adventure society that has both independent members and an organized crew all over the world. The MDP has two basic followings, regular MDP or (Vanguard) and the ORDER. Anyone can be regular MDP regardless of other club and organization affiliations just by getting out and enjoying life; they follow no set rule or guide lines and have no organization. The Order is our structured membership that come with additional commitments and privileges. Our ORDER members come from a wide cross section of careers and life styles with a large contingent being: active/retired military, law enforcement and first responders. Our simple mission is to help everyone realize that this life is an incredible gift and to not forsake it. Helping motivate the masses to seek adventure and create memories building lasting relationships with fellow thrill seekers / adventurers is our goal.
The values we hold most dear and base our organization on as a whole are simple and pure:
Adventure Community Charity Self-improvement Mentorship
We are best described as a mix between the best parts of say: Elks, H.O.G , Scouts & AAA (we have retailer vendors providing our Order members discounts)
We are in no way a militant, political , religious ,Car or Motorcycle , club ,gang or organization …etc…..we strictly condemn any negative or criminal activity.
Now with our members’ interest being so vast. you will see us at bike nights, rides and rallies. Concerts out on fishing boats at paintball fields, shooting ranges, camping, fishing, hunting, hiking so on and so forth…
You will find our members to be among the friendliest individual you happen upon; always willing to offer a warm welcome and lend a hand, possibly attend, and if scheduling permits, assist in charity events and functions.
In conclusion thank you again for taking the time to learn a bit about us.


1.    Mission Statement                                                                           Page 3                      

2.    Why Organize                                                                                  Page 3

3.    The Oath                                                                                           Page 3

4.    Organization                                                                                     Page 4                      

            A. Vanguard                                                                                  Page 4          

            B. The Order                                                                                  Page 5          

            C. The HELM                                                                                 Page 5          

      5. Order Members                                                                               Page 5

A. Core of the Order                                                            Page 5

            B. Crews                                                                                           Page 7

            C. Dues                                                                                             Page 8          

            D. Tattoos                                                                                          Page 9

            E. Walking the Plank                                                                      Page 9

            F. Dress Code & Apparel                                                                Page 10

            G. Perspective members/Probation/Vetting                                Page 11

            H. Honor and Adventure shields                                                  Page 12

            I. Retiring                                                                                           Page 13                    

6.    Adventure Specific Regulations                                                   Page 13

7.    Pirate Chain of Command                                                                        Page 14

8.    MDP Order Collective Property                                                     Page 16        

9.    In Closing                                                                                          Page 16                    



Modern Day Pirates is an Ocean; it is up to you how deep you'll swim. We share in making memories, promoting our lifestyle of adventure and comradery while giving back to the local and global communities. For now, when people ask just what we are, the simplest answer is: an adventure society , a collection of thrill-seekers & free thinkers.

1.1 Who are the Order members

We are not outlaws, though we have members from just about every walk of life a great many of our members are: retired and active: Law enforcement, military , Fire & first re-sponders . we want people to be happy when Order members and vanguard arrives to and event or place of business. We will be positive role models and leaders in our respective communities. When starting a new crew, the President, alongside other members, will let other organizations; including law enforcement in their area know about us, what we are and what we stand for.

2.         WHY ORGANIZE

 A.   We, as a vetted society, can have a global network of brothers and sisters to interact with from all aspects of life for business and pleasure. but remember this is just a starting point so that you may foster relationships with like minded individuals.

B.   To present this idea of unity and adventure to the rest of the world, helping others become self aware ,  promote thriving not just surviving; getting people off their couch and out of their cubicles.

C.   To introduce people, to be a mentor, share our interests and adventures and to teach them the skills needed to get the maximum enjoyment from any given activity.... Paintball motorcycles, hunting, fishing, etc.

D.   To organize and/or participate in charity functions for the betterment of society.

E.   Local and regional crews are comprised of members from all walks of life and interests. We use our cross section of interests to assist each other in our endeavors with in the organization and in life. No matter your interest, we help in crew organized events.

F.    As we build in Crew numbers, we will be able to reach out to more  businesses and build discount packages for our members, making it much more affordable to have our adventures.

3.       THE OATH “ the only rule we should need”


Remember you can apply the oath to your life whether you take the Order or not just

replace the words Crew Members with humans.

 4.         ORGANIZATION

 Please understand in developing these articles, regulations and philosophies, we have tried to take the best parts from several lifestyles, organizations and cultures. Including: old pirate law, military, motorcycle clubs, Odd Fellows, Free Masons, Boy Scouts and fiction, just to name a few. So some of the wording, phrasing and terminology may seem strange or foreign to some, but long as you grasp the ideas presented, we've achieved our goal!

 The MDP Articles of Conduct: are a self imposed set of rules. the articles will be reviewed annually for updates and correction by April of each new calendar year. Order members not following are self imposed rules will be dismissed.  

A. Vanguard

 1.    Modern Day Pirates - MDP– anyone who lives the life of adventure. (regardless of Order affiliation)

2.    Proud Beauties – Women or whoever wishes to live the prettier life of adventure . (regardless of Order affiliation)

3.   Vanguard are our supporters and friends. They are allowed to wear gear, etc. as long as it does not state any of the following: The Order, Order of Modern Day Pirates, The Order of Modern Day Pirates, or The Order of International Modern Day Pirates. MDPIProud Beauties of the Vanguard will be our recruiting pool; we will treat these people with the same respect we expect to be treated with. If we find that a person participating in MDPIProud Beauties is troublesome, the Order members will be responsible for actions taken to relieve us of the problem. remembering  to make the rest of the regional or Helm council aware of the situation at  first opportunity.

4.    This is an open invitation for folks that want to hangout and support MDP regardless if they wish to pursue The Order and or join a crew.

5.    Vanguard Pirates and Beauties are allowed to hang out, but they have no official titles, crews or members. They are 100% casual and they will be asked to respect The Order.

6.    Anyone falsely promoting themself as an Order member will be dealt with publicly in a humorously embarrassing manner .

7.    Vanguard are allowed to attend some Order functions, but only Order members can participate in Order/Crew Meetings I Business.

8.    Vanguard have no rules or regulations in regards to event and activity participation, If assisted using crew resources, they will need to reimburse the crew.

9.    Any Vanguard that wish to join The Order must approach an Order member and convince them to Mentor them in petition for membership. The member cannot in any way require payment, favor or services from the requesting Vanguard for mentorship. Mentoring any Vanguard can also be offered by an Order Member. the Mentor is the ultimate deciding factor to the status of any Vanguard that has petitioned. (if you do not have an Order mentor we can help you!)

 B. The Order : Everyone is welcome, not everyone can stay . The evidence of your value to this organization is in your actions.

1.    The Order in General: We will refer to The Order as one of the following: The "O", "The Ship", "The Mistress", MDP, The Order, The Order of MDP, MDP the Order, The Order of Modern Day Pirates, The International Order of MDP, The Order of Modern Day Pirates International, or The International Order of Modern Day Pirates. All the same prefix and suffix apply to Pirates & Proud Beauties.

2.    The Order will be governed at the International level by the HELM Counsel , using the MDP Articles of Conduct. & governed at the local level by Regional Order crew Counsel when involving only local members & business using the Articles of conduct with any additional regulations implemented by the regional crew charter. please see Pirates chain of command section 7 for more information.


MUST BE 18 YEARS of AGE to JOIN , you can fill your petition 10 days before your 18th birthday.


A. Core of the Order

 1.    Active Order members will be able to perform the needed tasks to promote the MDP Philosophy.

2.    All members must have a phone and email address; a Facebook account is also recommended in today's current social media climate, this seems to be our best way of maintaining contact at local and international levels. also it is your responsibility to keep you contact information and personal data current with the organization. go to the contact page to submit any changes you have when they occur.

3.    We have an MDP ORDER INTERNATIONAL FB GROUP/PAGE and a national event page. If/when you become an Order member, you will be added to this page.we also have several other public and private pages spanning the ever growing list of interest and activities.

4.    Remember who and what we are, there is no room for politics or religion! Keep that part of your life to yourself. We care not were anyone got their morals. we just need you to have them and be willing to put personal beliefs to the side so that we can work on the Positive things that need done.

 5.    MDP Order Goals:

a.    Present a positive image of our adventure/thrill-seeker society to the world and help build interest in our charities, passions and pursuits.

b.    Grow the Order with people that wish to leave a positive impact on the world.

c.    Organize & support charity events including but not limited to: Habitat for Humanity, volunteer at Veterans homes, volunteer at homeless shelters, food drives, etc.  

d.    Mentor-ship through nationwide high school leagues, state championships, regional, etc. Order crew to coach , mentor and subsidize the leagues with non profit donations.

e. The Order hopes to provide the sense of family & community you may find  in a religious setting devoid of dogma , and the structure we need from minimal government to provide an organized positive impact without the convolution of politics.

6.    Order Members will be the friendliest, most approachable and most helpful people wherever/whatever the event we are attending.

7.    Members starting in a non-crew area or moving far from a crew can petition for either the chance to start a new crew, wear the standard of their crew they associate with, or a member can go with the Dutchman I Sirens Standard.

8.    A member cannot hold office until they have been a member for over 3 years, unless approved by the HELM Council   in a special vote.

9.    Dual or Multiple associations. Society or club membership: you can be an Order member and still wear gear from as well as adventure, socialize, ride with other club/clubs or be part of other organizations. You can be an Order member and have membership in other organizations.

10. You cannot hold title/office in the Order if you already hold office in other organizations or societies outside of MDP. It will be taken into special consideration if you are a member of another organization trying to take a leadership role in the Regional crew or Helm Council.

11. Members are requested to attend as many events a year; local, national or international preferably an anniversary event being one of them as they can, but we all know that there is only so much time and resources.

12. Members will be kept in the know though our Facebook page and our E-magazine. also take it upon yourself to stay in touch with other members.

13. Self defense & weapons: though we do not condone violence , it is possible there will be times you must defend yourself and/or loved ones. You are allowed to do so as well as wear and/or carry anything legal and/or you are licensed to carry in your perspective city/county/state/country. This is encouraged, but we also encourage training courses and tactful judgement when you exercise your rights. Please consider extended, specialized training/education when practicing your rights. also remember you represent something much bigger than yourself act accordingly.

14. levels of the Order:

Vetted is our first level of of the Order , they have filled out a petition to join, have an Order member Mentor , cleared a back ground check , taken a quiz on the articles of conduct & finally had a phone interview with a Helm Counsel member.

Anchored after one year of membership 5 anchored pirates that are known to you can file on your behalf to become anchored you can not ask for this in the first two years they must do it of their own accord, after two years you can reach out to 5 Anchored members to provide a written or video statement affirming you as a trusted member of the Order. you will submit evidence through the website on the Order only side. Once Anchored members can wear the Anchor on their right shoulder.

HELM members are the behind the scenes workers keeping the organization on track. HELM members will wear a boat wheel on their left upper shoulder. THE HELM is members of the Order that have dove head first into our Organization helping develop structure and policy making hard decisions and doing all the leg work for our events, gatherings and everything in between. as new positions and projects open up we reach out to our order members for help sometimes these selected members will be made helm.

B. Regional Crews: these crews have special privilege and commitments , they are to handle Order representation at the local level organizing events as well as participating in others events. to help develop a positive public presence in the local communities and really form those local bonds we all truly need.

1.    Forming a Crew:


a.    "Everyone is welcome, not everyone can stay" Structure is as follows.

b.    THE HELM Counsel is the governing party for the Order and all it encompasses.

c.    Forming a Crew (Juggernaut/founding chapters) will require 4 founding members , can be started with less with a special vote form the Helm Counsel. new  petitioning crew will  posts administrative fees to the international to cover startup cost.

d.    A crew charter petition must be provided.

e.    There must be a vote from all existing crews before a startup crew will be allowed.

f.     Crew council oversees their city/state/province/area, answering directly to the HELM Counsel.


g.    Vanguard are under direct jurisdiction of the local crew council, keep your none member friends in check if they are with us they need to act accordingly.

2.    there is a list of requirements for new crews in the new crew petition section.

3.    Each crew will have its own number, for example, San Diego is #311= 31st state to join the union 31(1) first crew in California under the number. This is how we will number American Crews, with exceptions made when needed, we will leave it to other countries to develop their own numbering system. The main idea behind this number is so people on the outside do not know the numbering system, a secret code if you will. Crews can have multiple tribes, there is no limit to the number of tribes in each city, but each tribe must be ok'd by the council. For example, the first San Diego tribe is called "(Ka)-Bar Hoppers". These tribe names can only be used in their perspective cities: there cannot be (Ka)-Bar Hoppers in another city. If you are a member of that crew you can be a member of multiple tribes in that crew.

4.    When Order Members visit other crew cities they can buy Crew Standards and tribe patches with a special mark on them that they can wear in a different spot on their vest, jacket or just collect them.

5.    Crew Standard: each will have a vest/jacket marker showing flags, State, city, country and the crew number, for example this is the San Diego 311 Standard :


311 crew.png

6.    If you are an Order member but do not have a local crew, you will have the option to wear the Flying Dutchman standard for the men and The Sirens standard for the Ladies.

1.    Meetings, events & functions:

a.    Crew Council meetings will only consist of Order Members; Vanguard / supporters can attend a location of a meeting if it is also an event/gathering, but cannot partake in the meetings.

b.    Crew business will fall to the will of the individual Crew, while still reporting to the HELM Counsel.

c.    Crews will hold and attend monthly meetings/ events with each member required to make at least 6 a year.

d.    When a mandatory meeting is called, members must be given 3 weeks' notice. We will have an online calendar listing events and meetings. If you are not going to make the meeting a request to be excused must be made in writing, text or email to all Cre Counsel members to decide if there is a valid reason to miss or if disciplinary action is needed (skyping to a mandatory meeting can be arranged if needed and again must be arranged prior to the meeting).


e.    Order of business:

1)      Roll call

2)      Minutes from last meeting

3)      Treasurers report

4)      Dues and fines collection actions

5)      Old business

6)      New business


C. Dues  current rates are on petition submission page.

 1.    There are two sets of dues; the international annual dues are actually a payment plan for members unable to pay their lifetime membership up front. first to MDP International annual dues, second to your local crew provide you have one . The local crew sets their own monthly/annual dues.

2.    Annual dues will go up, but whatever you came in at is what you pay until exit, death or retirement.

3.    The Order of Modern Day Pirates International Lifetime membership. we only accept lifetime commitments if for some reason you choose to leave or are removed no funds will be returned. if you leave in good standing you can be admitted back anytime of course.

4.    Current MDP INTERNATIONAL individual member petition fees are $600.00 if you use one time pay. or its $660 with the split payment option. the split payment you pay the first $360 when you submit your petition and pay the remaining $300 on your one year anniversary.  When petitioning a joint membership with a spouse or significant other option is available at a rate of $950 one time pay or pay $550 at sign up and the remaining $400.00 on your one year anniversary. paid in full life crew can bring on any of their Children on board for a one time fee of $350 BUT! they must join with in one year of the parents lifetime membership if they are over 21 years of age. If you ever elect to leave the Order or are dismissed no membership fees will be refunded.

5.    Local crew member dues are paid by the 10th of each month. If you fall behind more than 2 months, you face disciplinary action from the council.


D. Tattoos

 1.    Anyone can get MDP/Proud Beauties tattoos, but only Order members of at least 3 years can add or make an Order tattoo. unless they are made helm.

2.    If a member leaves the crew in poor standing they will be assisted if necessary with the removal of any Order tattoos Possibly even any MDP/Proud Beauties tattoo depending on the level of infraction. any cost associated with assisting in the removal will be expected to be reimbursed to the Organization by the offending member.


 E. Walking the Plank

 1.      Fighting and conflict is very much frowned upon. Any member starting a fight with a fellow crew member or anyone for that matter will go before the council and face disciplinary action and fines between $1.00 and a "to be determined" amount, with a strong possibility of dismissal.

2.      Any time a member is fined, payment must be made within 2 weeks or risk further disciplinary action.

3.      Any member has the right to contest any disciplinary action and fines at a special crew or Helm Counsel tribunal. 

4.      Criminal activity is not accepted! If you involve the Order in criminal activity you will answer to the Helm Counsel and can expect severe punishment and possible expulsion.

 5.      Discrepancies between crew members

a.    Fighting is unacceptable! this includes your personal / intimate relationships.

b.    We will conduct ourselves in a civilized manner. If at some time tensions rise between crew and other factions and cannot be resolved by the parties involved. they can request an intermediary to help sort the issue if it is a serve matter that requires Helm involvement then we will enforce our articles to the best of our ability. we are not the Police or your family court please remember this at act accordingly.

c.    The Local or HELM Counsel will hear the case and offer solutions. if you can not abide with the offered solution then well sorry.

d.    Examples of some of the ways we can reach a settlement:

1)      First and foremost an amicable resolution and or financial restitution.

2)      take it to small claims court let our tax money work for us.

3)      We do not condone fighting at all but if you do please understand you do it of your own accord.

4)      If you choose to fight both members will pay a fine to The Order to be determined by  Council. good chance of suspension or dismissal as well.

 F. Dress Code & Apparel

We have a small selection of Order apparel & accessories in our Order only store always available, we also do group buys special orders 3 times a year March, July & November. this are your opportunity to get gear we would otherwise not stock do to space and cost requirements. we also do special event gear so be on the lookout for emails and post.

 1.    Dress code: Don't dress like an asshole!

2.    Apparel: The Large Order Crest / Patch we will refer to as the Order standard terms like "The CUT" (Vest or Jacket), "Colors" (big back patch).(these are terms easily understood used by motorcycle clubs when referring to their gear. but we prefer not to use these terms as it at times can have a negative impact with some.

3.    You are not required to buy or wear order gear; this is optional due to the fact that for one, some people have no interest in wearing such apparel and two, in some states and countries it is a major issue. It's much more important how you act and handle yourself than what you wear. It's also important that even if you do not wear a jacket or vest you're still expected to know what the meaning behind everything we wear is and respect it!

4.    Order apparel is available for purchase on the secured side of the site  there is a password to access this gear you'll be provide once your petition is accepted and you go on the account.

5.    You can wear your gear anytime you like, but it is not required.

6.    Your vest and/or jacket must have at a minimum, your large back Standard (patch), and MDP 3.5" patch over heart

7.    You are only allowed to hold two large back Standards at any time. You must always be able to account for your Order standards. You and your MDP/Proud Beauties/Order brothers/sisters and your children are the only persons allowed to wear your standards. Action will be taken if your standards are found on non-crew members. you can own unlimited Order printed material i..e..: t-shirts ,jerseys, hats & stickers. but you cannot let them leave your control if you retire any of this gear be sure it is destroyed or returned to a crew for archiving.

8.    If you leave the Order your Order gear must be returned to the Crew (unless retired). You cannot sell or give away your standards outside the Order; the only way they can be passed on to family is if they are Order members as well.we have an active buy, sell, trade page for the Order to sell and trade gear they have “Outgrown” or no longer want.

9.    Anything you own with "Order logos" can never be worn by a non-order member except your children or spouse and cannot be sold!

10. This is the basic patch layout for vest and jackets:

patch layouts.jpg


a.    You can wear memorial patches of nonmembers and patches from other organizations provided you have their permission. The small of the back on a vest and the small of the back and sleeves of jackets are open for you to put personal patches on. Never wear anything hateful or condescending.

b.    The front of the vest and jackets are for MDP patches and shields

11. Order members will have full access to Order apparel except rings, pieces of 8, and buckles. you can get a stainless steel ring once Vetted You must be in for at least 3 years for these items in silver, 5 years for gold, and 10 years for black outs ,unless you're made a member of the HELM.

 12. The challenge coin, if an order member produces a challenge coin before you and you do not have an MDP challenge coin to match. you must state a loud the Order oath , if you cannot recite the oath you owe the member a drink of their choosing. but if you can recite the oath then the challenging member owes you a drink of your choice. this can only happen once per members involved at a given gathering. also non-members holding a Vanguard coin can challenge Order members but Order members can not challenge Vanguard.

G. Vanguard Perspective / new members

 1.  The mentoring Order Member is responsible for the petitioning member(s) they mentor, you are responsible to teach them how we do things and are responsible for the applicant(s) the Mentor will be the one(s) and only to clear the newer member for addition vetting (Anchor).

2. petitioning members read the articles of conduct & Appendix B

3.  Fill out your Order member petition & pay your  lifetime petition fees (non refundable).

4. clear a background check. be sure you inform us of anything that may show up we expect honesty above all.

By applying to the Order, the applicant will be subjected to an extensive background investigation. This is part of the vetting process. If the applicant has any criminal background, then the following must be met: (1) if the offense is a felony conviction (or major infraction per international laws), it must be over 10 years old, all probation, restitution and/or classes must be fulfilled (2) If the applicant has a misdemeanor (or a minor infraction per international laws), it must be over 3 years old and they must have fulfilled probation/restitution and required classes. Expungement of the records is preferred. The applicant may be questioned to the fullest extent during the application process to ensure that they have left the noted behavior in the past.

Inclusion into the Order with either a felony or misdemeanor before the aforementioned time statues is subject to review by the Helm and may be waived if found to be of no impact to the person’s character or the Order’s reputation. A vote of 75 percent in favor to waive the five-year requirement is required.

If the applicant has to be registered with any federal or state sex offender registry, it is an automatic disqualification. Additionally, if the charges relate to any hate crimes, extreme acts of violence (i.e. armed robbery, murder, etc.) the applicant will be automatically disqualified."

5. complete the Articles of conduct  quiz, this will be sent to you after above criteria is for filled.

6. send in a clear photo of yourself for our member file

7. have a phone interview with a Helm Counsel member.

8. send a Facebook friend request to Robert Modica the current gate keepers of the Closed Order page.

9.  You can wear any Order apparel as soon as you've been  accepted into the order....if you don't pass the vote then you can submit your request to join again  within 6 months but no sooner than 60 days at no additional cost .

10.  New members will answer directly to their mentoring member and Counsel.

11.  New members will have a probationary period of 3 months in The Order prior to mentoring any new pirates. from there they can sponsor 1 new member every 3 months thereafter, an Anchored member can sponsor a new member every month and helm member have no limit to sponsorship.

12.  New crew members can and will be asked to do fucked up shit. They cannot be given tasks that are criminal in nature or may cause them serious harm.

13. Regardless of you relationship status when coming into the organization. we expect you to keep these matters in the proper perspective. we are a very family friendly organization. but should something happen between Order members that are in a relationship remember no one pirate holds a higher status then another and both parties will always be part of the crew unless through their own actions this is changed. if you make your relationship/s a problem for the Organization then the Helm will take the needed action for the good of the Order as a whole.

14. with in 3 to 6 weeks of induction to the order you will receive your welcome package it will include your Decree, a MDP or Order member soft good , information cards , stickers and sometimes a special gift.

 H. Honor and Adventure Shields

1.  Being an Anchored Order Member in good standing you can earn Shields that displays your interests and accomplishments. These will be worn on the vest or jacket; honor shields down the heart side front and Adventure Shields down the right side front.

2.  You can go to the Order only side of the site and Order patches once Anchored.

3.  sponsoring a new Honor or Adventure Shield Anchored members as a group or individual can petition for the creation of a new shield by going to the from on the Order only side of the site.

for more information on Honor & Adventure shields please see appendix B at the link below



            I. Retiring

1.    If you go inactive and are in good standing, you can still come to events wearing none order gear.

2.    You can only retire if you've been a member for at least 10 years and with Council/HELM approval; then allowed to keep your Order patches/wears.

3.    At any time a member wishes to leave before a 10-year run, and then return to the club, they will start over as a new member. After they have been back for 1 year, they get half of their previous time back and after 3 years they get all their time back. Members with 10 years can leave and return at any time with Council/HELM approval.

4.    You can quit at any time, in writing via paper or email, but you still must be current with dues and fines prior to leaving the crew. you must sell or disperse any and all Order gear you may have. You will also go before The Council or HELM for inquisition, standing and dismissal.

5.    If at 15 years of membership, you wish to retire, you can. This allows you to wear your patch with a special retired patch!

 7. Pirate Chain of Command

 Executive board of The Order of Modern Day Pirates and Proud Beauties:

HELM Counsel  is the  oversight and governing body  of the Order helping guide the Organization through this Journey.

The Helm Counsel will be comprised of upto but never exceeding 33 members. not all Helm will be on the counsel but as members need to for whatever reason  they can ask to be replaced on the counsel at that time they can suggest a Helm member to take their place and the remaining counsel will be left to select a replacement be it from the current Helm or from the Anchored crew.

 F.    Crew leadership is referred to as The Regional Crew Council

 G.   Each local Council will report to the HELM crew representative a minimum of once a month.

 1.    Regional Council Captain:

a.    To oversee and preside over all crew meetings and business

b.    To have general supervision over the Crew

c.    To appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the Crew

d.    To personally represent the crew on proper occasions

e.    To assist all other offices in their duties upon request

f.     Should the president become incapable of performing his duties at any time they then fall on the Vice President

2.    Council Quartermaster:

a.    To take over in the event the president has issues or becomes unable to perform their duties

b.    To assist the president in their duties

c.    To assist other officers with their duties upon request

3.    Council First Mate:

a.    To oversee crew business in the event the president and vice president become incapacitated and unable to perform their duties

b.    This position  can be held by the same person if voted in to place

c.    To enforce the articles of conduct and by-laws and to serve fines and punishments for infractions by members

d.    The First Mate can select two deputies to assist in the performance of his duties (these are not positions of leadership)

4. Counsel Boatswain


7.         MDP Order Collective Properties


A.   All crewmembers have complete access to crew property, but must receive consent for use form their local crew or helm council. A request (text or email) stating use dates & purpose is needed.


B.   All crew property is to be returned in the same condition or better when used; penalty will suit the infraction and will be decided by the quarter master or a minimum of 2 board members.


C.   Crew funds will be handled by the crews themselfs with signers being at least 2 voted on crew funds will be spent without a majority vote of council members except standard recurring cost associated with maintaining the local crew.


D.   Each council can decide what items they as a crew might like to buy for general use, for example:


1.       Pop up tents


2.       Trailers (travel and hauling)


3.       Tables, chairs, loaner paintball gear, motorcycles, chase trucks, fishing poles and tackle, boats...etc...


8.         In closing:

 A.   Please understand this is just a starting point; we as a collective will build upon these Articles.

 B.   I ask that you take the time and go through the Articles and make notes and present them to the HELM Council to consider changes and additions.


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